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10 Easy Ways To Make You Love Your Home Again

Written by Jaymi Naciri on Tuesday, 29 July 2014 1:59 pm PRINT  | EMAIL

We all fall into a rut sometimes. When that rut is otherwise known as our ugly living room, our cluttered kitchen, or our outdated everything, it can make us cranky. And lazy. And possibly looking to move.

But before you throw in the ugly, old, and outdated towel on you home, take a step back and consider some easy changes that might help change more than your home's mojo. They might also change the way you feel about living there. Here are 10 easy ways to make you love your home again.

1. Rearrange your furniture.

Seems simple, right? And it is, but the impact can be huge. Sometimes, all a tired living room needs is a little refresher, and that can often be achieved without spending a dime. Check out HGTV for some tips.

2. Clear up the clutter.

Home organizers the world over (not to mention quite a few therapists) will tell you that de-cluttering your home can make a huge difference—not just in how you feel about your home, but also how you feel about your life. Organizing can help to bring order to your space and your mind, reducing messes and stresses.

3. Get a new TV.

If you're still sporting the big back, it's time…for a flat screen. Hanging one over your fireplace or orienting your room around a new entertainment hub will make you love the space all over again. And a good-size screen can be found today for not much more than you'll pay for your electric bill this summer. Check out these affordable options.


4. Pick one room to overhaul per quarter.

Then, schedule a weekend scrubbing, swapping out linens, painting, changing light bulbs or whatever else is needed for an easy and cheap update. Making and sticking to a plan will give you a new resolve, and a fresh new home.

5. Use your spare change.

Change out your throw rug, window coverings, or accessories. Designating a special spot to collect leftover coins at the end of the day will give your family purpose, and before you know it you'll have a "Freshen Up Fund."

6. Change out your art.

Don't have the funds to start that Monet collection? Frame some black and white pictures or employ your kids to create a few masterpieces for a unique collection with a personal touch.

7. Clean it up.

Organize the gang on a Saturday morning to clean the baseboards, light fixtures, and ceiling fans. Sprucing up these often-dusty and grimy areas can really freshen up a space. A little tip: We're not above using ice cream bribes for kids who don't want to participate.

8. Take care of little issues that you've been ignoring.

Fix little issues like toilet paper holders that have come out of the wall and crooked pictures that raise your ire every time you walk by them. Take a good look at your whole house and make a list of the things you've been overlooking (we see your giveaway box in the corner!)

9. Paint your old kitchen cabinets.

Is it time intensive? Yes. Is it something you'll regret halfway through when you have a panic attack about how many more cabinet doors are left? Surely. Will you be glad you did it every day after it's done? Absolutely. And you may just love your kitchen so much again you'll choose to fix up some other stuff.

10. Call a REALTOR®

Nothing will make you want to stick it out in your lived-in and well-loved home than hearing an honest assessment from a professional who knows you have a good 50k in updates to do if you want to get any money out of your house.