Big Bear Fire ARV to the RESCUE  

Local Knowledge is Vital


FIRE BB Rescue July2018.jpg FIRE BB Rescue July2018b.jpg


Firefighter/Paramedics Huether and Medeck and Firefighter/EMT Unger.

Photos Courtesy of Big Bear Fire Department:



Big Bear Lake, CA, July 19, 2018____  Forest Road 2-N90, a rocky and steep 4x4 road to Tip Top Mountain, northeast of Big Bear City, near Arrastre Creek is known to many locals and off-road enthusiasts. But when a 9-1-1 call came to Big Bear Fire the night of July 5, 2018, requiring them to respond to an injury at that location, the immediate question to on-duty Battalion Chief Ryan Harold was, “Where exactly was the crew to go and how were they to get there?” Harold had to rely on two things, his staff’s local knowledge and the Department’s All Response Vehicle (ARV). 


Chief Harold called on Firefighter/Paramedic Brittania Huether, a lifetime resident of Big Bear City, to get herself and the rest of the responding crew safely to the incident. There was only one vehicle in the Department’s fleet that was up to the task - the Department’s 2-year’s new ARV.

All four crew members Firefighter/Paramedics Brandon Medeck and John Stein, and Firefighter/EMT Dylan Unger, along with Huether boarded the ARV for a harrowing ride through the darkness to find the person in need of medical aid.


According to Fire Chief Jeff Willis, “Prior to the purchase of the ARV, this type of response would not have been possible. Even with the ARV, without the local knowledge demonstrated by the Big Bear Fire crew, the chance of a successful mission would have been questionable. Local knowledge is vital.” The crew was ultimately successful in finding the injured party. After providing medical aid the patient declined transport and the crew guided the injured party’s vehicle to a road that would take them back safely to Pioneer Town.  

By Dawn E. Marschinke

Administrative Analyst/PIO

Assistant to Big Bear Fire Chief Jeff Willis


 FIRE BB logo         Jan 2013.JPG          About Big Bear Fire Department:

Big Bear Fire Authority was formed under a Joint Powers Agreement in 2012 combining Big Bear Lake Fire Protection District and Big Bear City Fire Department, now commonly known as Big Bear Fire Department. Since its inception, Big Bear Fire Department is committed to providing the Big Bear Valley with professional fire, medical and emergency services “Protecting Lives and Property,” with timely response to fire and medical emergencies.