Gold Star Family Marker Dedication


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Jared Landaker’s quote: Hero: Anyone who has put their life on the line serving this country”. 


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Gold Star Families for Peace (GSFP) is a United States-based organization founded in January 2005 by individuals who lost family members in the Iraq War, and are thus entitled to display a Gold Star. It is considered an offshoot of Military Families Speak Out.

PHOTOS – Saba, Ruiz, Jennifer Harris, Gilbert Minjares, Jared Landaker

From Editor E T Russell - Please forgive the incomplete credit to these 7 Heros ‘Seven Stars’ – We will return with an update after November 11th Veterans Day Ceremony.


Early in February, 2007, with only a week left for them in Iraq, Lt. Jared M. Landaker and Captain Jennifer Harris received a call that three Marines were wounded and needed a Casevac flight. With their flight crew and Corpsman on board, they picked up the wounded and delivered them to the aid station.  Upon the return flight to their base, they were asked to pick up some blood and return it to the hospital in Fallujah.  During this flight they received machine gun fire and rocket fire forcing them to divert the helicopter from their flight route. 

On February 7, 2007, Lt. Jared M. Landaker and his crew of six were KIA in Karhma, Iraq did not survive attack therefore, ten days later on February 17, 2007, Jared was laid to rest at the Riverside Veterans Cemetery in Riverside, CA. His father, Joe Landaker, a Vietnam Marine stated “He did more in 25 years than most of us will do in 75 years.” 

To add a Gold Star Family Marker to beautiful Big Bear Lake Veterans Park is truly a privilege. Gold Star Families is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization created to provide support to those who have lost a loved one in service of our country through the United States Armed Forces. Their code is Honor, Hope, Healing. Memorial Markers for Gold Star Families are permitted on grounds of National Cemeteries, Veteran Administration Medical Centers and other appropriate civic locations based on approval by NGC Blue Star Chairman.

The City of Big Bear Lake extends sincere “Thanks to the Landaker Family” for purchase of the Marker, and the Big Bear Garden Club for its sponsorship.  


The dual Veterans Day and Gold Star Memorial Dedication Ceremony will take place at Veterans Park Saturday November 11th beginning at 11:00 A.M.  All are welcome and invited to attend.


By E T Russell November 2017