BVES Announces Partnership
Agreement with BBARWA

Valley Electric Service (BVES), Big Bear Lake, California__
July 12th, BVES announced the execution of its Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) with Big Bear Area Regional Wastewater Agency (BBARWA) for
the partnership to commence the Bear
Valley Solar Energy Project (BVSEP) in 2019. The newly named solar energy
venture will include the installation of a solar field at the BBARWA
headquarters in Big Bear City.
“The Bear Valley Solar Energy Project will benefit the Big Bear Region
greatly by creating a sustainable energy source to supplement existing power
supplies,” said BVES Director Paul Marconi. “Bringing sustainable energy to the valley
has been a long-term plan of ours for quite a while, and these recent
developments are important steps in the process.”
Bear Valley Solar Energy Project (BVSEP)
will utilize solar panels that rotate
with the sun in order to maximize output. With this operational design, the
solar field will have the ability to produce an additional eight megawatts of
solar energy for the electric grid, which is enough to power approximately
4,000 homes. The cost-effective energy solution will improve system reliability
and reduce the cost to provide power.
“We are looking at the long-term impacts, both for the environment and
local residents,” said BBARWA General Manager David Lawrence. “We want to
establish an energy source that can function as the backbone of the community
for decades to come.”
additional information about the Bear
Valley Solar Energy Project, customers are encouraged to call 800-808-BVES
is a division of Golden State Water Company (GSWC), which is a wholly owned
water and electric utility subsidiary of American States Water Company
(NYSE:AWR). GSWC provides water service to approximately 259,000 customers in
75 communities throughout 10 counties in Northern, Coastal and Southern
California. Through its BVES division, the Company also distributes electricity
to over 24,000 customers in the City of Big Bear and surrounding areas in San
Bernardino County, Calif.