Bear Valley Community Healthcare District
19, 2020____ The Big Bear Valley’s hospital and medical center, Bear Valley
Community Healthcare District (BVCHD) is monitoring the coronavirus outbreak’
and is working closely with local and state health agencies, other regional
hospitals, and the Centers for Disease Control to monitor and implement the
most current guidelines.
safety of BVCHD patients, visitors, employees, and physicians remains at
highest priority. The District has prepared a plan for the screening,
isolation, and initial care of patients who seek treatment for the Coronavirus
or other infectious diseases.
Valley Community Hospital is screening all visitors for recent travel and signs
and symptoms of illness.
visiting the Bear Valley Community Healthcare District, individuals will be asked
to wash their hands before entering the facility.
Hospital’s cafeteria is closed to the public.
VISITORS will be allowed in the Facility Skilled Nursing (SNF) Unit
VISITORS will be allowed in the Emergency Department
VISITORS will be allowed in the In-patients Unit
If necessary to visit a patient, to
discuss special arrangements for visitation, call in-advance of the visit.
who are concerned that they have symptoms of the coronavirus should contact
their primary care provider by telephone to discuss their symptoms. Most people
infected with the novel coronavirus have mild cold symptoms. A small fraction
of people, however, may require more intensive care.
who are experiencing symptoms of the coronavirus and experiencing increased
shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing should come to the Emergency
Department. If time allows, please notify the hospital ahead of time so that we
can prepare for your arrival.
this time BVCHD has a limited supply of coronavirus
tests which are limited to patients
who are critically ill and meet guidelines set by the public health department.
there is no vaccine to prevent the Novel Coronavirus
Infection. The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being
exposed to this virus. The Bear Valley Community Healthcare District is
recommending the following precautions to prevent the transmission of Coronavirus:
· stay at home if you are
experiencing mild symptoms,
· avoid close contact with
people who are sick,
· cover your cough with a
tissue and throw the tissue in the trash,
· avoid touching your face, disinfect
surfaces frequently touched and wash your hands often with soap and water for
at least 20 seconds.
information regarding the coronavirus is available on the several websites such
as BVCHD, CDC, and the California Department of Public Health website: https://www.cdph.ca.gov/
will continue to update the website: https://bearvalleycommunityhospital.com/