Another STORM is on the Horizon





February 12 2019 San Bernardino

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District 8 is alerting the traveling public that the National Weather Service (NWS) is predicting a plume of tropical moisture to be lifted along the coastal mountain slopes beginning Wednesday with heavier rainfall starting Wednesday February 13th evening through Thursday February 14th.

Snow levels are expected in higher elevations above 8,000 feet.


The rain event will melt snow in the lower regions which causes unstable slopes and rockfall onto mountain highways. Other areas that may be affected by possible debris flows and road closures are as follows:


SR 74 and SR 243 in the Idyllwild/Mountain Center region (Cranston Burn Area).

SR 74 in Lake Elsinore (Holy Fire Burn Area).

SR 38 in Angelus Oaks (Valley Fire Burn Area).

SR 138 west of I-15 (Blue Cut Fire).

SR 2 remains closed from Big Pine to Islip Saddle due to previous snow conditions.

• Any state route in the high and low desert regions may be affected by heavy amounts of rain (such as SR 62, SR 177, Route 95, etc.) 



Motorists are reminded to use caution, slow for weather conditions and use headlights while driving. Avoid travel during peak storm periods and check road and weather conditions before you travel. Motorists should anticipate delays and longer travel time. Bring chains to mountain regions in the event that chain control is necessary in higher elevations.


Stock vehicles with water, snacks, blankets, a charged cell phone, flashlight and a full tank of gas before going to mountain regions.


Use Caltrans' “Quick Map” for current road conditions and chain requirements at 




Riverside County Emergency Management San Bernardino County Office of Emergency Services