Big Bear Lake
Monday evening, September 20, 2020 at approximately 11:04 P.M., San Bernardino County/Big Bear Sheriff Deputies responded immediately to a 9-1-1 call reporting that an
armed robbery, had just occurred at Alpine Liquor Store in Big Bear Lake.
Three males entered the store and brandished a handgun at the
employee, demanding money from the cash register. An argument between the
employee and suspects ensued and a physical fight broke out. During the altercation,
one of the suspects fired the handgun, striking the employee in the leg. The
victim was flown to a local medical center for treatment of his injury.
Video surveillance from the store captured the incident. (SEE
photos) The suspects fled the crime
scene on foot, heading westbound on Big Bear Boulevard. With the assistance of
the San Bernardino County Sheriff Aviation Division, Deputies canvassed
the area with the aircraft 40-King.
Despite an extensive search of the Big Bear Lake area, the
suspects were not located. The investigation is ongoing while the suspects
remain outstanding and are believed to be armed and considered dangerous.
Anyone having information on the identity or
whereabouts of the three suspects involved are requested to contact the of the Big
Bear Sheriff Detective Bureau at (909) 866-0100. Information can be
reported anonymously by calling WE-TIP at (800) 78-CRIME or online at