_At the Gardens


____ Gardener Robbie Bos reports: The Big Bear Valley Community Gardens Saturday Workshops are in full swing at the Fox Farm Road location, in Big Bear Lake. The educational workshops are about a variety of subjects, relating to growing food in the Big Bear Valley are free to the public. 


10 am, Saturday, September 6, 2014

Guest Speaker - Terri Bolton - Certified Holistic Health Coach


Juice Plus+ Tower Gardening - Keeps You Growing All Year Long


Sharing her lifelong avocation of Health and Fitness, Terri knows personally that healing comes from healthy living, calling Juice Plus+ her insurance from the inside-out". Learn about the 26 fruits, vegetables, grapes, and berries that make Juice Plus+ your personal health and nutrition fuel. And growing your own Tower Gardens gives you the farmer's market at home. Join Terri for an overview of the Power behind Juice Plus+ and taste, touch, and smell the joy and convenience of the Juice Plus+ Tower Gardens.


10 am, Saturday, September 13, 2014

Guest Speaker - Peggy Otterstrom 


Fall Crops


Our own all-year-round vegetable grower Peggy will share with us how and what to plant for the fall. Yes, for the fall! There is much that grows well (actually better) in the cooler fall months. Petty will share with us her success stories as well as what to plant for those great fall crops.


10 am, Saturday, September 20, 2014

Guest Speaker - Terry Tindell


EM1 Composting


Is there a new way of composting? Terry from the A Garden Club, will share with us this new technique. Composting is the most organic way of fertilizing your soil, and getting the healthiest vegetables you can grow and eat. We all need good composting knowledge. Terry will help us grow in the garden and in our heads! We are almost at the end of our growing season. This might be a good thing to learn before you put your bed to sleep for the winter, or give you the information you need for the spring before you plant your spring seeds.