Adjusting to Accommodate
Eric Hoerger and wife, Lyn are known for their ‘open arms’ welcome at Big Bear
Believers Chapel, located on Moonridge Road in Big Bear Lake. Believers Chapel
for many years is known for the outreach services to anyone in the Big Bear
Valley. The congregation shares in the mission to help others in need. The
pastor and team of volunteers, pick-up food and necessary items and distribute on
a weekly basis. The Food Bank is open each Thursday at the Chapel
Hoerger’s message is out of concern for the COVID 19 Crisis information and its effect the
church members safety as well as, the health of the community.
of the recent COVID 19 Breakout
and possible contamination, everyone is having to re-adjust their lifestyles,
including all school closures, public gatherings, events, especially groups of
no more than ten (10), as well as adapting to the social distancing practice of
keeping a six-foot distance between people.
cooperation with city, county and state specified this past week (March 15th),
Pastor Eric asks the members and attendants at the worship services and events,
to abide by those laws. The purpose is to
the spread of Coronavirus from contaminating as many people as possible.
Big Bear Believers Chapel
42180Moonridge Road
Big Bear Lake, California
Chapel schedule changes (subject to change) :
· Sunday Morning Services -
will be shown on Facebook/bb at 10:30. A.M.
· Sunday Food Bank – Open
& Available at 12:00 Noon
· Wednesday - Bible Study &
Worship Team – No Meeting
· Thursday – Food Bank – Open
& Available to everyone in need of food.
those tithing, Pastor Eric and Lyn will be present on Sundays, at the Believers
Chapel Believers Chapel sanctuary or at the little house.
Eric, assures us, “We know this is a testing time, but it is a good time to
seek the Lord, read your Bible, and pray. We will keep you updated and
stay in touch. “