Photos Courtesy of CHP, Running Springs



MONDAY August 31, 2015  6:00 A.M.

100% Containment, SR-18 & Waterman roads are OPEN to upbound and downbound traffic   

Sunday August 30, 2015, at approximately 3:15 P.M., Arrowhead California Highway Patrol, units responded a call of a brush fire on State Route 18, south of Waterman Canyon Road.  The fire caused the closure of directions of SR-18 between Avenue 40 and SR-138.  The closure started at 1601 hours and continued until 1730 hours, for a total of 89 minutes.  

At approximately 1730 hours, the up bound lanes were reopened.  The up bound lanes were then used for both directions of traffic until approximately 2110 hours, when both directions of traffic were restored back to normal.  The fire was 100% contained at approximately 2100 hours.