Job-Killing Regulations
WASHINGTON D.C. ____ Monday June 2, 2014, Rep. Paul Cook (R-Apple Valley) denounced the President’s
latest job-killing regulations after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
announced new regulations on American power plants earlier today.
These regulations will require
existing power plants to reduce carbon emissions 30 percent by 2030. These
regulations, which will have a negligible effect on global emissions, are
expected to significantly increase the cost of electricity for Americans.
Additionally, it is estimated these regulations will cost over 200,000 jobs a
year and impose over $50 billion in annual costs.
Said Cook, “These regulations are
another example of this lawless
administration side-stepping Congress and over-regulating the American economy.
It’s important that we protect our environment, but it’s vital that this be
done in a way that doesn’t cost more jobs. The President’s new regulations will
put hundreds of thousands of Americans out of work and will significantly
increase energy costs for all Americans. I'll work with other members of
Congress to find ways to block these job-killing regulations before they can
cripple our economy.”