Obernolte Introduces Bill

in Consideration of Property Owners

Assembly Bill 203 gives homeowners an additional 30 days to pay or dispute the tax




In support of the Bill to Ease Fire Fee, Big Bear Fire Chief Jeff Willis states, “The proposed Bill makes sense for the residents of California. The proposed Bill provides the necessary time to fully understand the future of the SRA Fee. I applaud Assemblyman Obernolte and his efforts toward this endeavor.”


SACRAMENTO  – Thursday January 29, 2015, Assemblyman Jay Obernolte (R-Big Bear Lake) introduced his first bill as a California State Assemblyman. Assembly Bill 203 gives Californians 60 days to pay or dispute a fire prevention fee, rather than the 30 days allowed under existing law.

“The current deadline does not provide residents in rural communities nearly enough time to pay or protest their fire fee assessments,” Obernolte said. “Ultimately, I am hopeful that the courts will find this fee illegal and strike it down, but in the meantime this bill will help provide much needed relief to these homeowners.”

According to the California Board of Equalization (BOE), many property owners have expressed concern that they do not have sufficient time to either pay or file a petition within the 30-day period. If a taxpayer misses the filing deadline to appeal the assessed liability, they must first pay the fee in full and file a claim for refund. This bill would add California to the list of 20 other states that give homeowners at least 60 days to file a petition.

“The confusing and controversial fire fee is tax policy at its worst,” said BOE Vice Chair George Runner. “It should be eliminated entirely, but until then AB 203 is a step in the right direction. Increasing the payment due date will help lessen the burden of this illegal tax on rural homeowners.”