Golden Apple Celebration

      Dr. Elizebath Harris


The Big Bear Valley Education Trust is the best kept secret on the mountain top! So for your info, here are the 5 top reasons to support the Ed Trust by attending the Golden Apple Celebration October 25th, 5:00 P. M. at the Performing Arts Center.

#1 John Vasquez is speaking! John is a dynamic speaker who gives of his time and talent to our students. You will enjoy what he has to say and perhaps, you’ll be amazed! FYI, he solved a problem that the CIA and the FBI could not solve and saved SONY’s you know what! And, he did it in 4 hours!

#2 Ed Trust is working with the Forest Service and the San Bernardino Land Trust to protect the Pebble Plain and its indigenous plants and insects. We have a  have a 469 acre park where residents can hike, bird watch and enjoy the wonders of the Pebble Plain. In the future folks will be able to cycle, cross country ski and we'll have an area for small programs.  The Give Big Campaign this year will support the Pebble plain park and the Bear Tech Education Center in Metcalf Meadow. We are so excited! Come join the excitement!  

Ed Trust has the Real World Speakers Program at the Big Bear High School classrooms touching over 1000 student! In the next few weeks he will have a glass artist, law enforcement officers, a film producer, cellist, and our very own Assemblyman in speaking to our students

#3 #4 Currently our students do place based education studying the plants and insects on the Pebble Plain. In the future, we’ll have a curriculum unit based on the Dusky Footed Wood Rats that live there too. The rats build "apartments" with rooms for rest, food storage and believe it or not, a bathroom!  Our younger student will love this!

#5 Ed Trust is all about supporting education in our Valley. We in this valley have a reputation from folks who observe us that we take care of our own. And WE DO! So come support us by helping us launch the 2015 Give Big Campaign. 

The Big Bear Valley Education Trust‘s Golden Apple Celebration 2015 will be held at Big Bear Lake’s Performing Arts Center locaed in Big Bear Lake ar 39707 Big Bear Boulevard.