Big Bear Fire Fighters for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society



Scott Firefighter Stairclimb


Wednesday February 17, 2016 marks another Scott Firefighter Stairclimb for the Big Bear Fire Department Fire Fighters who will compete in the Stairclimb in Seattle, Washington.  

Big Bear Valley’s local Fire Fighters have participated in this test of endurance to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Fire Fighters will climb 69 flights of stairs in Seattle’s tallest building, the Columbia Center Tower. These participants will be dressed in full gear including self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), and yet some of the fastest Fire Fighters will complete this task in a brief 10 minutes. Others may take up to 35 minutes, depending on their fitness.    

To prepare for this near Herculean task of climbing 788 vertical feet, and to jumpstart their fundraising efforts, Saturday February 13th, the Big Bear Fire Department Fire Fighters Team performed a Climb-a-thon Event at Big Bear Lake Vons Interlaken parking lot.  They demonstrated the climb, non-stop, for eight hours on the Stair-stepper machine while in full fire fighting gear.

Big Bear Fire Department Fire Fighters send their ‘Thanks’ the Big Bear Valley  community for their support and donations to Fight Blood Cancers. Every dollar counts when someone’s life depends on it. Donations can also be made on the team page at, and click on Scott Firefighter Stairclimb

For additional information on this or other fire and Life Safety Topics, please contact the Big Bear Fire Department at or (909) 866-7566.