in Possession of a Firearm
PENI Gang Member
Arrested for Parole

August 17th, 9:15 P.M., the San
Bernardino County Multi-Enforcement Team (MAIT) and Big
Bear Sheriff Patrol Deputies conducted a routine compliance check at a
residence in the 200 block of Holmes Lane in Sugarloaf. The authorities had reason to check the
activity of a known felon, a gang member and parole violator, Donovan Hogan, a
, 46-year-old, resident of Sugarloaf
is currently on Post Release Community Supervision (PRCS) stemming from a
previous charge of being a felon in possession of a firearm.
As part of former Governor Jerry
Brown’s 2011 Realignment Plan (AB109), in order to comply with a U.S. Supreme
Court decision requiring the State of California to lower its prison
population, offenders with non-violent, non-sexual and non-serious convictions
serve reduced sentences in county jails and are then placed on PRCS through the
County’s Probation Department after being released. Hogan is also a documented
and self-admitted Public Enemy Number One (PENI) gang member.
initial contact with Hogan during the compliance check, a brief struggle
ensued, and resulting to him being secured in handcuffs. During the search of
Hogan, the MAIT and Sheriff Deputies together
located a loaded handgun with the serial numbers removed, as well as
methamphetamine, on his person.
Hogan was detained without further incident and booked into the Big Bear Sheriff
Department Jail, on felony charges of being in possession of narcotics while in
possession of a loaded firearm, being a felon in possession of a firearm and
obliteration of identification numbers of a firearm. Donovan Hogan remains in
custody without the possibility of bail with an arraignment hearing scheduled
for August 20th in San Bernardino County Superior Court.
Multi-Enforcement Team of the Big Bear Sheriff Department works proactively
with Big B ear Sheriff Patrol Deputies, San Bernardino County Probation
Officers, and State Parole Officers to routinely conduct home visits and
searches on local parolees and probationers pursuant to the terms and
conditions of their release.

Captain Mitch Dattilo
477 Summit Boulevard
Big Bear Lake,
Phone 909-866-0100