Get Americans
Back to Work
Wednesday July 9, 2014, Representative
Paul Cook (R – Apple Valley) voted in support of H.R. 803, the “Workforce Innovation
and Opportunity Act.” This bipartisan, bicameral bill reforms America’s
workforce investment system and puts people back to work.
To ensure America’s economy
operates at its full potential, Americans looking for work must have the skills
needed for the work. H.R. 803 consolidates 15 federal workforce development
programs and aligns them with skills training and education initiatives that
provide job seekers with the skills they need to match job openings.
Cook said, “H.R. 803 is a jobs
bill. Allowing American workers the opportunity to acquire the skills they need
for jobs they apply to is one of my priorities in Congress. This bill
streamlines burdensome federal mandates, promotes skills for in-demand jobs,
reduces administrative costs, and delivers strong accountability over the use
of taxpayer dollars. This bill is a huge win for the American people.”
A member of the House Foreign
Affairs, Armed Services, and Veterans’ Affairs Committees, Cook served as an
infantry officer and retired after 26 years as a Colonel in the U.S. Marine
Corps. During his time in combat, he was awarded the Bronze Star and two Purple