Rep. Paul Cook Votes Hold VA Officials Accountable
WASHINGTON D.C. ____ Wednesday May 21, 2014, Rep. Paul Cook
(R-Apple Valley) voted in favor of H.R. 4031, the “Department of Veterans
Affairs Management Accountability Act of 2014.” This important legislation
grants the Secretary of the Veterans Administration the power to fire senior
executives whose performance warrants removal.
Under the current
system, it is nearly impossible to fire or dismiss incompetent senior executive
employees, and often such individuals are more likely to receive bonuses than
be held accountable for their negligence.
Cook said, “With
the reports of secret waitlists that may have led to the deaths of at least 23
veterans, it is more important than ever to make sure that the executives
responsible for such gross negligence are held responsible. This bill sends a
clear message to the VA that Congress won’t stand for this kind of treatment of
our nations’ heroes.”
A member of the
House Armed Services, Veterans' Affairs, and Foreign Affairs Committees, Cook
is a former educator who served as an infantry officer and retired as a Colonel
after 26 years in the U.S. Marine Corps. He was awarded the Bronze Star medal
with valor device and two Purple Hearts for actions in combat.