GANG TEAM City of Hesperia
Bernardino County Fire Department

Citations issued to
Christian Perez, Ernest Vasquez and Carl Willis
During the last three weeks, the Hesperia
Station’s Gang Team conducted several operations to reduce the sales and use of
illegal fireworks in the City of Hesperia. With the assistance of the San
Bernardino County Fire Department, three citizens from the High Desert area
were issued citations for the possession of illegal fireworks.
These operations targeted citizens who posted fireworks for sale on social
media web sites. Deputies met the citizens at various locations to buy the
fireworks as part of the sting operations. The suspects were contacted and
subsequently cite-released at the scene.
San Bernardino County Fire Investigators
issued citations to Christian Perez and Ernest Vasquez from Victorville, and
Carl Willis from Apple Valley for the illegal fireworks.
All of the fireworks, which are illegal in the
State of California as well as the City of Hesperia, were confiscated by the
Fire Department.
With the upcoming 4th of
July holiday, the San Bernardino County /Hesperia Sheriff Department reminds
the citizens of Hesperia, that
fireworks, including safe and sane are illegal within the City of Hesperia limits.