Sacramento Democrats Jeopardize Jobs

Senate passes AB 5 on party-line vote


Tuesday, September 10, 2019 in Sacramento____ Senate Democrats passed Assembly Bill 5 (Gonzalez, D-San Diego), which would enshrine into state law, the California Supreme Court’s 2018 Dynamex decision, which further restricts the ability of Californians to work as independent contractors. 

“AB 5 fundamentally disrupts the right of millions of Californians to have independent working relationships with their clients or employers. It will take away jobs and livelihoods and make it more difficult for startup businesses with little capital to get off the ground. This is wrong. By choosing to exempt some industries, but not others, Democratic legislators and unions are picking winners and losers through a process that gives the distinct appearance of impropriety and is another indication that Sacramento Democrats continue to embrace a slide toward socialism.”


Senator Concerned


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Senator Mike Morrell

Senate Republicans previously proposed legislation Senate Bill #238, that would have treated all industries equally in applying the law regarding independent contracting.

Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) offered that policy as an amendment to Assembly Bill #5 on the Senate Floor, but Democrats voted it down.

Senate Republicans also called out the process of choosing exemptions for various industries as arbitrary and unfair. They proposed additional amendments on the Senate Floor for other industries that did not make the cut determined by Democrats and labor, including physical therapists, landscape architects, single-truck owner-operators, franchisors, interpreters, and others.  Senate Democrats voted them down.


Additional related Senator Morrell statements, visit this website at:

AB 5 now returns to the Assembly for a final vote before it goes to the governor for signature.

“Living in California is already unaffordable for too many – a key reason why for 15 consecutive years, more residents have moved out of California than moved into our state. Higher taxes would only add to this pressure.

“It is not ‘prudent’ if Democrat leaders in Sacramento also tell taxpayers they have no choice but to foot the bill for their socialistic priorities to increase government control over our lives.”