Locks of Love 2015  



YOU can make a difference in a child’s life!

In the spirit of giving, two Big Bear Valley civic leaders have chosen a unique way of helping young people. Garry Dokter and David Stone donated their long-locks of hair to Locks of LOVE.

As the 2nd Annual for the local Kick-off for Locks of LOVE, we’ve chosen to start with Fans at The CAVE. Hairdresser Rhonda has reported that many women and men, too have donated their long hair, especially since last December 2014 when Dokter and Stone kicked off the event. We keep it simple! Make an appointment to have your hair cut, at no cost and bring a smile to someone who wants a head of hair, too.   

Everyone feels privileged to sit in ELEVATIONS DAY SPA Hairdresser Rhonda’s chair, to measure, cut and style their much shorter coiffure. Hair donors are adults and children, male and female who feel that their participation will help those in need to have a greater self-confidence, by having their personal, own custom-made hairpiece. Hair-growth takes anywhere from 6 to 10 ponytails to make each individual hairpiece!

Garry Dokter and David Stone invite friends to take the challenge for the Big Bear Valley Locks of LOVE CUT-OFF Kick-off, by calling for your Free Hair-cut. There are several ways to participate, as well as a haircut.  Perhaps, your hair isn’t long enough to qualify but you can share the event with friends or give a financial contribution. It’s your choice to sponsor a Locks of LOVE Child or donate ‘in the memory of’ someone.  

Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. We meet a unique need for children by using donated hair to create the highest quality hair prosthetics. Most of the children helped by Locks of Love have lost their hair due to a medical condition called alopecia areata, which has no known cause or cure. The prostheses we provide help to restore their self-esteem and their confidence, enabling them to face the world and their peers.

Mission Statement  Our mission is to return a sense of self, confidence and normalcy to children suffering from hair loss by utilizing donated ponytails to provide the highest quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children. The children receive hair prostheses free of charge or on a sliding scale, based on financial need.  


For Garry Dokter, growing his hair from collar-length approximately a year ago, to donate to a very worthy cause, is a new experience. It was Stone’s third hair growth time for Locks of LOVE, Garry Dokter and David Stone are challenging anyone with long-locks to donate their hair to Locks of LOVE..  

In 2005, Dokter and wife Debbie became owners of ELEVATIONS DAY SPA.  Garry will be donated his hair in Debbie’s memory; as she passed away from complications of a brain tumor in 2012.

David Stone a Big Bear Lake businessman, owns the Big Bear Lake Brewring Company, the Wine Room at Wolf Creek , The Cave, several resorts and other properties in the valley. Stone feels that he is helping friends that have dealt with cancer, too. Both Stone and Dokter are active members of the Rotary Club of Big Bear Lake.

Anyone, who may want to ‘go shorter’ for a good cause for kids, may call  909-866-7405  for a FREE HAIR-CUT. Rhonda will explain the requirements when an appointment is set. Call for an appointment with Rhonda, Monday through Saturday from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

There will be several perks along the way for those brave enough to venture out into the New Year, with a new hair-do. Stone and Dokter encourage anyone willing to grow their hair and pledge to participate on a ‘Cutting Day’, will be recognized for their gifts, too.  The Locks of LOVE Campaign will recognize generous donors at a February Valentines Celebration.  Details of the Locks of LOVE events will be publicized in various public service announcements.  

Inquiries or appointments can be called into 909-866-7405 or emailed to ETBigBear@gmail.com. ELEVATIONS DAY SPA is located in Big Bear Lake at 42007 Fox Farm Road #1.


by E T Russell