Shakes Sleeping Wednesday Morning


Photo courtesy of 


January 30, 2019 ____ From the San Bernardino Mountain communities near Big Bear Lake, Big Bear City, State Route-38, Angelus Oaks, Redlands to the City of San Bernardino, some people were awaken with the moderate ‘wake-quake’, while many others didn’t feel any disturbance.  Many 3._ quakes are recorded daily near the mountains, without any alarm or recorded damage.  Wednesday morning’s quake just happened a bit close without any cause for concern.    

The remainder of Wednesday in Big Bear Valley was another beautiful cool sunny (high approx 38`) with a gentle breeze off the Lake, January Day.  Residents are scurrying about, gathering fire-wood, shopping for groceries, etc, preparing for a snowfall for another Winter 4-day weekend.…. Super Bowl Sunday.  ENJOY!!  



Photo courtesy of MILLENER Productions 


By Big Bear Lake NewsRoom Editor E T RUSSELL