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Representative Cook is grateful, “This is welcome news for mountain residents!” 



Washington D.C. Representative Paul Cook (R-Apple Valley) announced Thursday February 21, 2019 that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has begun work on a new flight pattern over the Lake Arrowhead area. The current flight pattern, in use since 2017, has generated numerous complaints from local residents over impacts to their quality of life.


After Representative Cook met with the FAA multiple times throughout 2017 and the beginning of 2018, the FAA implemented a nighttime change as a temporary stopgap while it continued to study a complete route change. While this change provided some relief, Representative Cook continued to meet with FAA officials to advocate for a permanent change that moves the route away from Lake Arrowhead.

The FAA will continue developing this new pattern and will make it publicly available. Additionally, it will be conducting all required environmental studies and reviews.


Representative Paul Cook said, “This result would not have been possible without the support of Supervisor Janice Rutherford and all of the local residents who made their voices heard to correct this issue. I’m gratified the FAA has done the right thing and begun working on a permanent solution to this problem. This is welcome news for mountain residents who have been plagued by this issue for almost two years, and I’ll continue working with FAA officials to ensure this is implemented as quickly as possible.” 



US Congress.jpg Congressman Paul Cook is a member of the House Natural Resources and

Armed Services Committees, Cook served as an infantry officer and retired after 26 years

as a Colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps. During his time in combat, he was

awarded the Bronze Star and two Purple Hearts.