Photo Courtesy of Millener Productions
Office Mailboxes Theft
August 28th, the Big Bear Sheriff received several reports of mail
being stolen during non-business hours from mailboxes located outside the Post
Offices throughout Big Bear Valley. The Sheriff Deputies have identified the
suspects involved in these matters and are continuing with the investigation.
large quantity of stolen mail was recovered Thursday, including checks for
payment of bills, Netflix movies, and other materials containing personal
identification information.
anyone has experienced difficulty with payments not being processed or
receiving delinquent notices on accounts where payments have been mailed, be
aware that their mail may have been compromised. Big Bear Valley residents are
encouraged to drop off their mail during business hours to ensure that it is
picked up and processed in a timely manner.
Big Bear Sheriff is making its efforts to notify victims of the stolen mail
that was recovered. The United States Postal Service is assisting in the
ongoing investigation. Further information on this matter will be released as
it becomes available.
information may be reported to the Big
Bear Sheriff’s Station at (909) 866-0100.