

It is the mission of Bear Valley Unified School District to educate, inspire, and prepare all students by creating innovative learning environments where students can thrive academically, contribute to society, and lead healthy, purposeful lives.




Begins 2019-2020


The Governing Board of the Bear Valley Unified School District has plans to reconfigure Big Bear Middle School to a 6th through 8th grade school.

This reconfiguration will provide increased learning opportunities for students as well as additional extra-curricular activities. Planning for the reconfiguration will begin during the 2017-2018 school year and continue through the 2018-2019 school year.


Information regarding the reconfiguration will be continually communicated throughout the community via parent and community meetings, radio spots, and print material.

The first 6th grade class held at Big Bear Middle School will begin in the 2019-2020 school year.

Questions and input to this reconfiguration may be addressed to the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Mary Suzuki. Dr. Suzuki may be reached by calling the School District Office at 909-866-4631 or via email at