A total of 28
recruits made the transition from cadet to professional firefighter/paramedic
Friday evening following a graduation ceremony for the members of Tower V, San
Bernardino County Fire’s recent new-hire training academy. The cadets, each of
whom underwent an intense 10-week training program with instruction in
firefighting, rescue and EMS, stood as a loved-one pinned their newly-earned
badge as S B County Fire staff members, including Fire Chief Mark Hartwig,
looked on.
Fontana Mayor Acquanetta Warren was among the dignitaries
who spoke during the ceremony. She wished the group safe and successful
careers, and said the prayers of many were with each of them. The proceedings
began with a performance by the San Bernardino County Professional Firefighters
Local 935 Pipes and Drums band.
The recruits, comprising 27 males and one female, now begin
a year-long probationary period as they fan out to station assignments
throughout County Fire’s jurisdiction. The group, whose members hail from
throughout Southern California, were praised for their dedication and efforts
throughout the tower’s training period.
The group represents the first batch of new full-time
firefighter hires by County Fire in nearly five years, and will help replenish
ranks left thin as a number of firefighters have promoted or retired.
Following is a list of the new San Bernardino County firefighter/paramedics
and where they’ll be stationed:
Adelanto: James Schiller, Daniel Carmichael, David Pingree
Fontana: Nicholas Greenlee, Brandon McGarvey, Mark Howder,
David Remery, David Serrano, Jesse Vasquez, Matthew Balteria, Chris Adams-Snape
Hesperia: Ben Gradias, Jeremy Castanon, Kerry Crivello
Joshua Tree: Richard Huntling, Brandon Miller, Michael Bruce
Phelan: George Tom, Jared Kurtz, Kent Meeker
Twin Peaks: Brian Bement, Roger Stocker, Scott Albright
Victorville: Andrew Banninger, William Carlson
Yucca Valley: Russel Warren, Joseph Oehlhof, Landon Pupka
San Bernardino County Fire Department is located at 157 West
Fifth St., 2nd Floor, San Bernardino, Ca. 92415-0451