​30 million People Trapped in SLAVERY

 Cook Votes to Combat Human Trafficking 


Paul Cook said, “I'm proud to have supported measurers which will protect some of the most vulnerable people in society and will crack down on criminals who fuel the human trafficking industry within the Unites States.  The bills passed today are an important step towards wiping out this appalling trade.”


WASHINGTON  D.C. ___ Representative Paul Cook (R-Apple Valley) voted in favor of legislation to combat the growing problem of human trafficking within the United States, and provide much-needed assistance to victims.

Sex trafficking is the fastest-growing business of organized crime and there are 30 million people trapped in slavery today. In the United States, child sex trafficking is a billion dollar industry with as many as 300,000 American children at risk of getting trapped in this underground trade.

H.R. 181, the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, will streamline law enforcement resources, create programs and grants to restore the lives of victims, and strengthen the laws for prosecuting buyers and sellers engaged in sex trafficking.

H.R. 514, the Human Trafficking Prioritization Act, aims to make human trafficking a priority for the Department of State, while H.R. 357, the Human Trafficking Prevention Act, will expand the training for Federal Government personnel relating to trafficking.

The International Megan’s Law to Prevent Demand for Child Sex Trafficking, H.R. 515, will provide advance notice of travel by registered child sex-offenders outside and inside the United States in order to protect children from exploitation.

H.R. 468, the Enhancing Services for Runaway and Homeless Victims of Youth Trafficking Act of 2015, aims to raise awareness and improve the services for runaway and homeless youth who are victims of trafficking, and the Strengthening Child Welfare Response to Trafficking Act of 2015, H.R. 469, will allow State child protective services systems to improve the identification and assessment of child victims of sex trafficking.