Representative Paul Cook's Statement  

Washington D.C. Tuesday  March 22, 2016____ Representaive Paul Cook (R- Apple Valley) issued the following statement on the terrorist attacks that occurred in Brussels:

"I’m deeply disturbed and saddened by the images of the terrorist attacks in Brussels. These cowardly acts by those who betray their own faith bear the hallmarks of ISIS and represent another attack by extremists on innocent people in the Western world. While details are still forthcoming, this appears to be the actions of a known terror cell that at one time included both a homegrown Belgian terrorist and refugees from Syria.

"My prayers go out to the victims of this barbaric attack, and I stand with the people of Belgium in their struggle against Islamic extremism. The people who perished today in Brussels are not statistics, they were mothers, fathers, neighbors, and friends of a peaceful democratic nation, no different than those who perished in San Bernardino this past December. We are fighting the same battle on different fronts. We must stand beside Belgium the way they stood beside us after 9/11. For the sake of free nations around the world and for the sake of our communities here in America, America must lead by example in creating policies that keep us safe and defeat these terrorists.

"The president can no longer avoid the shortcomings of his ISIS and refugee policies. We can't continue tailoring American and Western security policies to the narrow portion of his political base that believes we can treat fanatical murderers the same way we’d treat a troubled teenager. These terrorists are killers who want to destroy us. Anyone who’s experienced combat or dealt with national security on the front line could tell you that. It’s time for effective policy against ISIS, and it’s time we stop the president’s refugee policy in its tracks."