BBV Republican Meeting
The Big Bear Valley
Republican Assembly, for individuals in the Big Bear Valley. The membership has
consistently grown since the new Republican group was established two years ago.
BBVRA meets once a month, each third-Tuesday of the month. The meetings are
held at Nottingham’s Tavern at the entrance to the Village of Big Bear Lake.
BBVRA meetings have a variety
of political related projects, guest speakers and community interests included
in the monthly programs. Program plans include speakers scheduled for near
future, are: California Riffle and Pistol Association Rick Travis, California
Senator Mike Morrell, and California Republican Party Chairman Jim Brulte.
Projects BBVRA members have volunteered to help with are: Scholarship Awards,
Get out the Vote, Honor Veterans and Election Night event.
The Tuesday evening, April 19th meeting guest speaker is San Bernardino County
Supervisor James Ramos, delivering his message State and County.
New members and guests are
always welcome to join Big Bear Valley Republican Assembly at 6:00 P.M. that meets each
third-Tuesday of the month, with exception of special called meetings.
The Social Hour begins at
5:00 P.M. This is an opportunity to order dinner before the Big Bear Valley
Republican Assembly meeting begins at 6:00 P.M.
Nottingham’s Tavern is
located in Big Bear Lake, at 40797
Big Bear Boulevard.
Big Bear Valley Republican Assembly
E-mail at:
Or by Voice Mail at: 909-866-0511
“State of the County”
City Councilman Rick
Herrick, Supervisor James Ramos
with Mayor David
San Bernardino County Supervisors take charge of the
‘December 2nd
Tragedy’ Press Conference