HEROS among us and WE HONOR them
City of Victorville
Monday November 12th

The 22nd Annual Veterans Day
Parade and Ceremony hosted by the City of Victorville will be in Old Town
Victorville, California, Monday November 12th beginning at 9:00
A variety of marching bands, entertainers
and military units are participating in the traditional parade, that starts at
the corner of Tracy and 7th Street.
The Veterans Day Ceremony immediately
follows the parade, at the corner of 7th Street and Forrest
The Ceremony will give highlight the Salute to Victorville Veterans a tribute
to 75 Victorville Veterans by the City of Victorville. New to this year’s Veterans Ceremony will be another special
tribute to local Veterans of WWII.
“Each year, our goal is to find
the heroes among us and honor them,” says Victorville Mayor Gloria
Garcia. “We realize that through their selfless service, duty and
personal courage our Veterans make Victorville a better place; and this event
is our way of bringing our community together to show our Veterans our
The morning’s events will begin with the
City’s Freedom Mile Run at 8:45 a.m., which serves as the kick-off for the
parade. Registration for the run will be at the corner of 7th
Street and Forrest Avenue at 8:15 A.M. This year, runners will receive a
commemorative t-shirt.

The Southern California Logistics Airport
is the Premiere Sponsor of this year’s Veterans Day Ceremony.
Portions of 7th Street from
Mojave Drive to B Street will be closed from 7:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. for the
Parade and Ceremony. Motorists are encouraged to use alternate
routes. Those attending the Parade and Ceremony are encouraged to travel
Hesperia Road into Old Town.
The City’s Veterans Day events are free and
open to the public. For more information call (760) 245-5551 or (760)