Recruitment & Contributions

Will Help Future Fire Fighters 


Fire Exploring Post #232, run by the Big Bear Fire Department, is a local organization for high school and early college age adolescents, designed to help them explore the career field of firefighting.  Run within a sub-division of the Boy Scouts of America called Learning For Life, Fire Exploring is an after school organization taught by career firefighters within the Big Bear Fire Department.  Focusing on work ethic, discipline, integrity and self-worth, the Big Bear Fire Explorer Post has been training the future firefighters of Big Bear and beyond for the better part of the last 20 years.  As Post #232 continues to grow taking on exciting challenges of the ever-expanding career fields of Fire, EMS, and Rescue, the post is developing many needs.

These needs, both large and small, are almost entirely fulfilled by contributions from the community. It is the hope of the Big Bear Fire Explorers, that through informing the tight-knit community of Big Bear of its needs, Post #232 can continue to grow and train the firefighters of the future. 

Some of the Big Bear Fire Explorers needs are as follows:

More Fire Explorers!  If you know a motivated youth (between the ages of 14 and 20) of the Big Bear Valley that may be interested in a career based in honor and integrity, suggest them to the Big Bear Fire Explorers.  

Transportation!  If you have, or know of a large van in good working order, that would fit the needs of our organization please let us know.

Fund-Raising Opportunities!  The Big Bear Fire Explorers are always looking for an opportunity to help the community. If you are in need of some help with your local charity or event, contact the Big Bear Fire Explorers.

Donations of Almost Any Kind!  From construction materials for training, to fiscal donations of any size, the Big Bear Fire Explorers are grateful for your support.  

The Fire Explorer Post also supports the Big Bear Fire Department in all of its fund-raising endeavors.  Post #232 and the Big Bear Fire Department together raised over $15,000 annually for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, the Muscular Dystrophy Association, the Special Olympics, and under privileged youth in the Big Bear Valley.

Participating in training events such as Wednesday night drills, camping and climbing trips every few months, academies, fire musters or conferences every year, the Big Bear Fire Explorers stay increasingly busy.  The need for transportation and equipment to participate in these events is great.

The Explorer post along with the Big Bear Fire Department thank the community for their continued support and look forward to working for, alongside, and in commitment to, all of you in the future.

For more information, please contact Robert Whitmore at or contact the Big Bear Fire Department Headquarters Station at (909) 866-7566 to leave a message for Robert Whitmore.