on First Accident Scene

26, 2022, Wednesday evening San Bernardino County Fire /San Antonio Heights
Station Medic
Engine #12 was working a traffic accident at the intersection of North
Euclid and 21st, City of Upland. The ME#12 was positioned to block the scene,
ensuring that it was safe for first responders while they provided care.
that incident an additional traffic collision occurred, ultimately striking ME#12.
Thankfully a nearby SB County Fire Captain and SB County /Upland Police Officer
were able to quickly dodge the accident and were not struck by the new
County Emergency Personnel and Crews quickly assessed the second accident for
victims, finding all parties from the new accident were uninjured. The Medic Engine,
itself received minor damage, but was successful in providing a barrier for
first responders.
accidents are under investigation by Upland Police Department.
year San Bernardino County Fire Department responded to more than 130,000
calls, including 10,952 traffic accidents.
Approaching an Accident Scene?
By San Bernardino County Fire
Battalion Chief/PIO Michael McClintock
Do not panic. Drivers who panic at
the scene of the accident can cause another accident. Some drivers overreact by
swerving or making a sudden exit and cutting off other vehicles to avoid the
traffic congestion.
Do not stare. Keep your eyes focused
on the road and what is ahead of you. Avoid “rubbernecking.” This can cause a
slowdown and puts you, your passengers and others on the road at risk. Paying
too much attention to the accident can cause you to miss brake lights ahead and
dangerous road debris.
Pay attention to signs, detours and
traffic patterns. Be a defensive driver and scan the traffic ahead, just not what is in
front of you. This will increase your chances of being able to spot a problem,
while still having enough time to react, which will decrease the chance of a
rear-end collision.

Bernardino County Fire