Delivery to Legislative Offices

by Planned Parenthood


Condoms Printed with -- Inappropriate Harassing Language

Democratic Leadership Should Condemn

    State Capitol, Sacramento, California___Thursday, February 20, 2020, Senator Mike Morrell (R-Rancho Cucamonga) issued the following statement in response to Planned Parenthood’s delivery of condoms labeled with the message “Don’t f*ck with us” to legislators at the State Capitol:

“Returning to my desk from last weekend, I found a ‘Valentine’ Planned Parenthood distributed to our office. Among the items included in the bag were condoms in wrappers printed with the words ‘Don’t f*ck with us. Don’t f*ck without us.’      

“Aside from its vulgarity, it is a veiled threat and a strong-arm tactic – something I don’t appreciate, particularly when it appears to also be directed at our staff. Communicating such an overtly crude and sexualized message is inappropriate in any workplace, including here at The Capitol.”

“At least once every legislative session, all employees and legislators attend and participate in classroom prevention training for harassment, discrimination and retaliation. Based on my experience from these courses, this incident would violate the standards of conduct.

“In keeping with the legislature’s commitment to ensuring a safe and professional workplace free of intimidation, Democratic leadership should condemn Planned Parenthood’s distribution of these items and use the opportunity to remind all those in the capitol community of its expectations for appropriate workplace behavior and decorum.”



Senator Mike Morrell represents the 23rd Senate District in the California Legislature, 

which includes portions of San Bernardino, Riverside, and Los Angeles counties.