Operation Hammer
Strike, Week #24
Again & again & again ...
Arrested 17 Suspects
Eradicated 107 Greenhouses
Seized 25,134 marijuana plants
Processed marijuana 717 pounds
Mitigated 2 THC extraction Labs
one gun
Recovered over $9,500.00 in cash
Investigated 2
Electrical Fires
At Cliffrose
Court, Adelanto

courtesy of SB County Sheriff - Investigators mitigated one electrical bypass
and investigated a second electrical bypass that resulted in a house fire.
Between February
07, 2022, and February 13, 2022, investigators from the San Bernardino
County Sheriff Marijuana Enforcement Team (MET), along with additional
Sheriff Deputies from several different San Bernardino County Patrol
Stations, served 16
search warrants at various locations in Hesperia, Oro Grande, Twentynine
Palms, Wonder Valley, Landers, Adelanto, Helendale, and Lucerne Valley.
The MET members had received numerous complaints about large
outdoor and indoor marijuana cultivations in these areas. Over this past
week, the San Bernardino County Sheriff officials located and arrested 17
suspects. Investigators seized 25,134 marijuana plants, 717 pounds of processed
marijuana, one gun, and over $9,500.00 in cash. Investigators eradicated
a total of 107 greenhouses found at these locations, as well as six indoor locations.
Investigators mitigated one electrical bypass and investigated a second
electrical bypass that resulted in a house fire. Investigators mitigated
two THC extraction labs.
The investigations revealed the cannabis cultivations were
not in compliance with California's Medical and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation
and Safety Act (MAUCRSA) and San Bernardino County's ordinance prohibiting
Commercial Cannabis Activity. San Bernardino County has a law prohibiting
Commercial Cannabis Activity, which includes growing marijuana plants
The San Bernardino
County Sheriff Gangs/Narcotics
Division will continue to enforce
California's cannabis laws and San Bernardino County's ordinance regarding
cannabis cultivation and distribution. Persons found guilty of violating
the state law and county ordinance are subject to fines, prosecution, and
seizure of property.
Property owners who are growing marijuana or are aware their
tenants are growing marijuana on their properties in violation of the state law
and local ordinances may also be subject to civil or criminal sanctions.
Property owners are encouraged to contact their local law enforcement or code
compliance agency to confirm if cultivating cannabis is prohibited or allowed
under specific regulations.
The suspects were cited or booked on charges of
Cultivation of Cannabis, over six plants, Possession for Sales of Marijuana,
Illegal Water Discharge, Manufacturing a Controlled Substance, Utility Theft,
and Conspiracy.
Anyone with information
regarding this investigation is urged to contact the San Bernardino County
Sheriff Gangs/Narcotics Division at (909)387-8400 or NARC-MET@sbcsd.org
Callers wishing to
remain anonymous may call the We-tip Hotline at 1-800-78-CRIME (27463),
or you may leave the information on the We-Tip Hotline at www.wetip.com