State Invests $565 Million 

Transportation & Improvements 

In 2021  

Awards $2 Billion Future Projects 


San Bernardino, CA ___Thursday December 3, 2020, the California Transportation Commission (CTC) allocated more than $565 million for current projects – and approved $2 billion in future improvements – to address transportation needs throughout the state. This continued investment will repair highways and bridges and improve California’s growing network of mass transit, bicycle and pedestrian routes.

“Caltrans is committed to improving California’s transportation infrastructure and creating safer, more reliable travel options,” said Caltrans Director Toks Omishakin. “This investment allows the department to continue our critical repairs and upgrades to roads, bridges, mass transit and bicycle and pedestrian facilities.” 

Projects approved in Riverside and San Bernardino counties include: 

• San Bernardino County: Replace Weigh in Motion Scales Interstate 40 near Newberry Springs ($2.68 Million) located 5.6 miles east of Fort Cady will replace the existing Weigh in Motion (WIM) system to meet current standards. The new system will reduce pavement damage and increase safety and operational efficiency. (1G550) 

San Bernardino County: Construct auxiliary lane and widen connector and ramps on State Route 60 in Ontario ($38.9 Million) from 0.4 miles east of Vineyard Avenue to Milliken Avenue/Hamner Avenue. Will improve operational efficiency and improve congestion. (0E33U) 

Riverside County: Replace existing Rock Slope Protection (RSP) on twentyfour (24) bridges on Interstate 10 near Desert Center ($1.7 Million) from Krume Ditch to Wide Ditch. Will prevent further scour damage and preserve the integrity of twenty-four bridges. (1H200) 

• San Bernardino County (San Bernardino County Transportation Authority/City of Rialto): Cactus Avenue Multi-Use Path on Cactus Avenue between Baseline and Rialto Avenue ($1.26 Million) Hybrid beacon on the intersection of Maple Avenue and the Pacific Electric Trail. 3. Additional improvements on the Pacific Electric Trail between Cedar Avenue and Cactus Avenue. Upgrade existing bike path to a multi-use path featuring a bi-directional buffered bike path and separate pedestrian path, which requires reconstructed ADA compliant curb ramps and parking lot, and installation of fencing to provide trail access and flashing beacon system with in-roadway warning lights for trail crossing. 

• San Bernardino County (San Bernardino County Transportation Authority/City of Victorville): Arrowhead Drive and Seventh Avenue Complete Streets ($1.3 Million) Arrowhead Drive from Green Tree Road to Nisqualli Road and Seventh Avenue from Nisqualli Road to Bear Valley Road in the southeastern portion of the City of Victorville. The project will construct a Complete Streets element including sidewalks, ADA-compliant curb ramps, bus turnouts, and Class II bike lanes that connect to proposed bike lanes on Green Tree Boulevard to the existing bike lanes on Seventh Avenue south of Bear Valley Road.

• San Bernardino County (San Bernardino County Transportation Authority/City of Fontana): Fontana Safe Routes to School Gap Closure. ($211,000) Construct sidewalk segments, ADA-compliant curb ramps, high visibility crosswalks, lighting, Class II & III bikeways, striping, and signage near three public schools on multiple streets bordered by San Bernardino Avenue, Catawba Avenue, Valley Boulevard, and Juniper Avenue. 

Funding for these projects comes from federal and state gas taxes, including more than $108 million from Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017. SB 1 funds are used for ongoing maintenance and rehabilitation of the State Highway System.

The $2 billion awarded for future projects will provide funding through 2023 from three programs created by SB 1 to improve the movement of goods, increase mobility options and access to public transit, and support equity and environmental sustainability. 

To date, SB 1 funds have enabled Caltrans to fix more than 6,400 lane miles of pavement, 635 bridges and 540,000 feet of culverts. To learn more about SB 1 projects in your community, visit Rebuilding California - Senate Bill 1.