New Restrictions
San Bernardino National
Takes Steps to Reduce
Human-caused Wildfires

95% of all wildfires in California are human caused
May 29, 2020 ___ San Bernardino, CA __ San Bernardino National
Forest is enacting additional fire restrictions to
protect the
health and safety of employees and communities, effective immediately and
until further notice:
· While operating an
internal combustion engine, such as a generator, that engine must not leave a
paved, dirt or gravel Forest Service System road or trail. Operating this
device off road is prohibited, as this increases the chance for sparks to light
flammable materials.
· Any person
operating a portable fire ring/pit, stove, or lantern must be five feet away
from any flammable materials, provided that the portable fire
pit/grill/stove/lantern has a fuel shut-off valve and does not burn wood or
charcoal, and the person has obtained a valid California Campfire Permit. The
clearance was previously three feet.

>>> These restrictions are in addition
to other fire restrictions that were already in place on the San Bernardino
National Forest:
Building, maintaining, attending or using a fire, campfire or
stove fire, except in a Forest Service provided campfire ring or BBQ within a
Developed Recreation Site.
Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, or while
stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of
all flammable material.
Welding, or operating acetylene or other torch with open flame.
Forest Service officials are taking this necessary step to
ensure that firefighters are available to safely respond and manage incidents. 95
percent of all wildfires in California are human caused.
With the above-normal fire season projected in much of California,
and the combined potential for wildfires and smoke to impact communities and
firefighters, we need to reduce or eliminate this large ignition source and
protect our firefighting resources.
Caring for the land and serving people