Reports of a Suspicious Smell
Leads to Body in a Barrel
afternoon, May 3, 2020, travelers in the Big Bear Lake area of Glory Ridge on
State Route-18, were overcome by a strong odor that led them to checking out the
roadside, of the favorite turn-out. From the Glory Ridge viewpoint, Mt.
Gorgornio and many natural beautiful spectacular sights are observed by thousands
of travelers, going and coming to the Big Bear Valley, annually. A closer investigation led them to look over,
where they noticed a barrel approximately 60-70 feet down the steep slope. Big
Bear Fire Crews responded to a call, with second call to San Bernardino Sheriff -
Big Bear Station requesting assistance.
to Captain Mitch Datillo, Sheriff Deputies, Sheriff Deputies arrived on the
scene at 4:00 P.M., to investigate the report of a possible deceased person. The
Deputies were hoisted down the mountain-side by Big Bear Fire crew, where they confirmed
a deceased male was discovered. The unidentified body of a male was retrieved and transported to the San Bernardino County Sheriff-Corner.
Bernardino County Specialized Investigations Division Detectives of the Homicide
Detail immediately responded and are conducting a thorough investigation.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Gerad Laing at
(909)387-3589. Callers can remain anonymous and contact WeTip at 800-78CRIME
or go to:
Big Bear Station
San Bernardino
Sheriff Department
JOHN McMAHON, Sheriff-Coroner
San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner Department