Updated at 10:00 PM

18,092 acres 61% containment

Injuries:  11

Structures Threatened:  26,031

Residence: Damaged 2 Destroyed

Other Structures:  Damaged 4 Destroyed: 6 



Day #10

Tuesday Evening SEPT 15th


UNIFIED COMMAND: CAL FIRE BDU/Yucaipa, San Bernardino National Forest, 

San Bernardino County Fire, San Bernardino County Sheriff, California Highway Patrol  


Start Date: 9/05/2020

Location: Oak Glen/West Yucaipa in

San Bernardino County CA

Size: 17,892 acres

Percent containment:  61%

Cause: Human-caused

Hand Crews: 22

Helicopters: 11

Engines: 205   

Dozers: 17

Water Tenders: 20

Total Personnel: 1,319

Injuries:  11

Structures Threatened:  26,031                                 

Residence: Damaged 2 Destroyed

Other Str:  Damaged 4 Destroyed: 6


Firefighting efforts continued today as the El Dorado Fire progressed slowly downslope toward Angelus Oaks. Fire managers are pleased with the low-intensity burn in this area.  If conditions change – especially a shift in wind direction or speed – firefighters are prepared to defend Angelus Oaks should the fire begin burning more aggressively.  

The fire is getting close to State Route 38 but has not reached it.  At this rate of fire progression, firefighters will use SR-38 as a fuel-break and halt the spread of the fire. 

There is equipment all along SR-38 as firefighters work to preparing defensible space along the road. A contingency line has been put in place to direct the fire into the Lake Fire scar and away from the Barton Flats area.  Air resources worked throughout the day making retardant drops to strengthen containment lines in this area. 

Along State Route-38 near Mountain Home Village, the fire activity continues to slowly back down the slope and burn eastward along Mill Creek on the south side. The fire line behind Forest Falls is holding and firefighters continue to work in and around this community. Across the Mill Creek streambed at the eastern end of the canyon, fire crews are securing the fire line along Mill Creek from Vivian Creek to last month’s Apple Fire scar

There is NO evacuation directive for Big Bear Valley residents AT THIS TIME. Please monitor official sources for any changes including the San Bernardino National Forest information listed at the top of this update, San Bernardino Sheriff’s Department, the CAL Fire San Bernardino Unit and San Bernardino County Fire.

All residents waiting to return home, we ask for your continued patience.  Our work in and around your community is not complete yet.  Power lines are still down and we ask that you remain evacuated and support the firefighters by staying out of the way.


The weather will remain hot and dry. Predictive Services division of the Southern California Geographic Area Coordination Center has issued a fuels advisory for excessively dry fuels throughout California due to drought conditions and hot temperatures.

Ø  ROAD CLOSURES:  State Route 38 is closed between Bryant Street to the south and Onyx Summit to the north  

 EVACUATIONS:  Evacuation Orders Remain in Effect for Mountain Home Village, Forest Falls, Angelus Oaks and Seven Oaks. All residents who have not yet evacuated in the Angelus Oaks area please leave.  

Check the following map link for updated evacuation information: 


 TRAVEL NOTES: The El Dorado Fire Unified Incident Commanders continue to ask visitors to consider rescheduling planned visits to the Big Bear area due to fire activity.  

Please check the Big Bear Fire Department Travel Advisory for the reasons why:  https://bigbearfire.com/                                               

Ø  SAN BERNARDINO NATIONAL FOREST RECREATION CLOSURES: The entire Forest was closed to all public use at 5:00 P.M. Monday, September 7th

 Please refer to: https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/sbnf/news-events/?cid=FSEPRD799192 for more information.


Tuesday September 15, 2020 A.M.  

Start Date: 9/05/2020

Location: Oak Glen/

West Yucaipa in

San Bernardino County CA 


         Size: 17,892 acres

  Percent containment:  61%

       Cause: Human-caused